May 15, 2011

Leaps and bounds (and boundaries)

My little gent is all over the place (literally, as well) with things he can do, things that are quickly changing. He's graduated to the toddler insert bath (the fun inflatable one that fits inside our guest bathtub) and is learning to appreciate it. He still produces some grumbles on being first submerged and made sit in it, but a toy - any toy, the more chewable, the better - quickly resolves the grumpiness. Plus, I discovered he's a big fan of me 'swimming' him: holding him under his head and tiny butt and floating him on his back, back and forth.

He's also on his hands and knees since earlier in the week... I'm starting to think he'll fully crawl before he fully sits up. Which is fine. The frequency of his up-at-'em kind of rolling back and forth, while up on hands and knees, seems to be doubling daily. Strong, growing, sweet boy. He does his mama's heart a LOT of good.

Maya's been battling small but pesky cold, which left her nose red and very roughed up, which is not pretty, nor is it comfortable for her. So the episodes of her acting out and misbehaving are up as well. I suppose she's also picking up on some of the adult tension, and I'm regretting in any way affecting her. She's a sensitive flower child, I don't want any permanent emotional scarring...

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