I spend more time editing this blog than writing here. It's a little-known fact that really, the pretty fonts is what life is all about.
Jack celebrated his 7-month milestone by finally pushing out his first tooth. We've glimpsed The Tooth a few days back, when it was still being coy and hiding behind a translucent layer of gum... But today, it is out to bite. Jack has surprisingly weathered this strange arrival in his mouth well, only resorting to occasional series of concerned ... 'moo's, for lack of a better word. Plus he wishes to gnaw on my knuckles relentlessly, and appears grudgingly satisfied by a soft rubber teether.
In retrospect, The Tooth would explain Jack's unusual temperance in appetite today. Only a matter of time, I suppose, until Jack learns the advantages of The Tooth and its followers along the gum line, and puts them to good use.
Maya has been the unfortunate victim of Mid-South spring in all its glory. Seemingly overnight, my Fairy has bloomed with watery, puffy eyes, random mysterious rashes, and affected skin. So far Allegra has been steadily making its way onto my S-list for near-total lack of effectiveness, so Benadryl was also dragged out of the recesses of medicine cabinet. With pollen counts through the stratosphere, however, general opinion is that none of the medicines on the market will completely take care of all symptoms... I believe I've just gained yet another reason to enjoy leaving this part of the country, whenever our time comes.
Jack's progress with solid food has been stellar. He enjoys eating, well, everything, and tolerates all new food introductions well (YoBaby organic yogurts being the latest). I need to remember to replenish my supply of BioGaia drops, however, to help his tiny tummy keep digesting all the delicacies.
As for the brother-sister interaction... I've had my Favorite Moment of the Week last weekend (when the weather was still, sigh, awesomely warm) while hanging out on the back deck. Maya, previously busy fortifying her playhouse with outdoor pillows from deck chairs, noticed that Jack was mouthing her sippy cup with water. Indignant, she rolled down the slide and marched over to (gently yet firmly) restore the rightful ownership of said sippy cup... I didn't stop her because she wasn't harsh, and because Jack frankly could care less - he's that much in awe with his sister, thus in his eyes she does no wrong (for now). However, Maya, watching Jack's face, suddenly turned around, walked back into the house, found the box of Jack's toys (different from hers), picked out a couple he frequents, and brought them back out. Here, she said. You can play with these.
So proud.
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